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Invitational Lecture: 2009 Nobel Laureate Prof. Elinor Ostrom Aug 26, 2010(Thu)SNU Dept. of Political Science & International Relations will be hosting an invitational lecture with Professor Elinor Ostrom, the awardee of the 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science. Everyone is welcome to join the session, including those who are interested in the Rational Choice Theory or Game Theory. ▶ Date and Time: Thursday, August 26th, 2010. 14:00 ~ 16:00 PM▶ Venue: SNU Museum... SNU Institute for Research in Finance and Economics Special Lecture Aug 24, 2010(Tue)▶ Date and Time: Tuesday, August 24th, 2010. 09:30 ~ 12:30▶ Venue: College of Business Administrations SK Building, Rm. #331 ▶ Lecturer: Professor Yacine Ait-Sahalia (Princeton Univ. & Bendheim Center for Finance)▶ Topic: Continuous-Time Financial Econometrics 2010 SNU Institute for Research in Finance and Economics Summer Workshop: Developments in Finance and Development Aug 23, 2010(Mon)The Seoul National University Institute for Research in Finance and Economics will be holding its summer workshop. Details are below. ▶ Date: Monday, August 23rd, 2010. 9:30 ~ 17:00▶ Venue: SNU Hoam Faculty House, 2nd floor Marronnier Room. ProgramChair: In June Kim (Director, SNU Institute for Research in Finance and Economics) 9:30-10:30 Stephen Morris (Princeton University) “Illiqu... Distinguished Scholar Invitational Seminar: Professor David L. Grossman Jul 12, 2010(Mon)Social Education branch of Center for Educational Research will be hosting a seminar with Professor David L. Grossman, a renowned scholar, as follows. We look forward to all those who are interested. ▶ Date and Time: Monday, July 12th, 2010. 14:00 ~ 16:00 PM ▶ Venue: Professors Meeting Room, College of Education (Bldg. #11, Rm. #309) ▶ Topic: Citizenship education in Asian and the Pacific ▶ Lectur... Distinguished Scholar Invitational Lecture: Dr. David Crystal Jul 01, 2010(Thu)Dr. David Crystal, noted scholar in the field of World English and the author of “English as a Global Language,” will be giving a special lecture at SNU as follows. This lecture will address the effects that the current global status of English will have on the development of language in the future. A small reception is scheduled after the lecture, where you will be given a chance to speak with Dr... Special Exhibition at Kyujanggak Institute-100 Years Past: Memories of the Korean Empire Jun 29, 2010(Tue) - Oct 30, 2010(Sat)In remembrance of the Japanese annexation of Korea 100 years ago, the Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies and the National Palace Museum of Korea will be jointly hosting a special exhibition titled, “100 Years Past: Memories of the Korean Empire.” This exhibition will be displaying materials in possession of the Kyujanggak Institute from the Korean Empire, with its ma... Luncheon for International Scholars Jun 22, 2010(Tue)To celebrate the end of the spring semester, the Office of International Affairs cordially invites you and your family to Luncheon for International Scholars, hosted on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 12:00 noon. Please send us an e-mail at if you would like to participate in the luncheon. 【Luncheon for International Scholars】 &n... Degree Show 2010: College of Fine Arts Jun 14, 2010(Mon) - Jun 20, 2010(Sun)▶ Date & Time: Monday, June 14th ~ Sunday, June 20th, 2010 (weekends included). 10:00 ~ 18:00 ▶ Venue: College of Fine Arts Exhibition Room, 1st floor, Research Building No. 1 (Bldg. #220) ▶ The works exhibited are made by undergraduate and graduate students, who are expected to graduate in August, 2010. Law Research Institute International Conference: The Interface between Korean Law and Chinese Law Jun 11, 2010(Fri) - Jun 12, 2010(Sat)The Law Research Institute will be hosting an international conference on “The Interface between Korean Law and Chinese Law” as follows. Renowned Chinese scholars as well as experts on Chinese law will be invited to present and lead discussions on diverse topics; relationships between Korea and China, such as Chinese law and society, civil law, commercial law, private international law, Korea-Chin... Office of International Affairs Special Lecture by Deputy Secretary-General of OECD Jun 09, 2010(Wed)▶ Lecturer: Mr. Aart de Geus, Deputy Secretary-General of OECD ▶ Topic: REFORM beyond the CRISIS-"Making Reform Happen: Lessons from OECD Countries" ▶ Time: Wednesday, June 9th, 2010. 15:00 PM ▶ Venue: Office of International Affairs, Seminar Room (Bldg. #152, 1st floor) ▶ Language: English Ewha World Class University GISE and SNU Brain Korea21 SENS International Conference Jun 04, 2010(Fri) - Jun 05, 2010(Sat)The Ewha World Class University GISE and SNU Brain Korea21 SENS International Conference, a number of invitational lectures organized by the Global Institute for STS Education (GISE) at Ewha Womans University and the Science Education for the Next Society (SENS) at Seoul National University, will be held as follows. ■ Date: Friday, June 4th ~ Saturday, June 5th, 2010.■ Venue: B153, Education Build... SNU Institute of Humanities HK Civilization Research Project: The 11th Civilization Research Symposium Jun 03, 2010(Thu) - Jun 04, 2010(Fri)The SNU Institute of Humanities HK Civilization Research Project and The Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies will be jointly hosting the 11th Civilization Research Symposium on “Travel and Translation: Writing China after Matteo Ricci, 1600-1800”. We await the participation of all those who are interested in this symposium, where there will be a variety of in-depth discussions on traveling and...