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[Seminar] On the New Pattern of Major Power-Relations Oct 14, 2013(Mon)Subject: On the New Pattern of Major Power-Relations: A Framework of Analysis for US-China Relations? Speaker: 吴心伯 (Head, Center for American Studies, Fudan University) Date and Time: October 14 (Mon.) 2013, 12:00 ~ 14:00 Venue: SNU Asia Center (Bldg. 101), Room 406 Contact:, 02-880-2102) The Rise of Global Elites? Oct 14, 2013(Mon)Seoul National University Asia Center is holding a workshop with a guest speaker Professor Markus C.Pohlmann at Heidelberg University. Subject: The Rise of Global Elites? Top Managers in South Korea and East Asia Compared Speaker: Professor Markus C. Pohlmann, Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg Date and Time: October 14 (Mon.), 2013, 14:00 ~ 16:00 Venue: SNU Asia Center (Bldg. 101), Room 303 ... Nobel Laureate Lecture Oct 08, 2013(Tue)Prof. J. Michael Bishop Director, GW Hooper Research Institute & Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of California-San Francisco □ Title: Forging a Genetic Paradigm for Cancer □ Date: 5PM, Oct. 8 (Tuesday), 2013 □ Venue: Building 43-1, Room 201 Dr. J Michale Bishop, Chancellor Emeritus of the University of California at San Francisco(UCSF), serves as a Professor in the Department o... Southeast Asia Seminar Series 2013-2014 Sep 27, 2013(Fri) - Dec 06, 2013(Fri)1st Lecture on Sept. 27, 14:00~17:00 [1] Speaker: Barbara Andaya (Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa) Subject: The Ever-Present Sea: Cosmologies and Religious Beliefs around the 'Single Ocean' [2] Speaker: Leonard Andaya (Dept. of History, University of Hawai'i at Manoa) Subject: 'Flights of Fancy': Birds of Paradise and Global Trade 2nd Lecture on Oct. 21, 15:30~17... Dept. of Asian Languages and Civilizations: Southeast Asia Seminar Series Sep 27, 2013(Fri)SNU's Dept. of Asian Languages and Civilizations has launched"Southeast Asia Seminar Series" starting with Inaugural Lectures on September 27, 2013. Southeast Asia Seminar Series: Inaugural lectures Date: 27 September 2013 Time: 14:00-17:00 Venue: Shinyang (Building #4) International Conference Room 302 Chairperson: Prof. Koh Keng We (Asian History, SNU) Speaker: Prof. Barbara Andaya (Asian Studie... A New Historiography by Benjamin Elman at Princeton Sep 25, 2013(Wed)SNU's Science and Religion in East Asia Project that studies science and technology in religious and cultural contexts of East Asia is holding biweekly international seminars on campus. Subject: China, Japan, and Korea in the Early Modern World: A New Historiography Speaker: Benjamin A. Elman (Princeton University) Date and Time: September 25 (Wed.), 2013, 15:00-17:00 Venue: SNU's College of Natur... Templeton's Biweekly Seminars, Fall 2013 Sep 05, 2013(Thu) - Nov 28, 2013(Thu)Templeton's Biweekly Seminars, Fall 2013 The “Science and Religion in East Asia” Project is pleased to announce the following biweekly international seminars scheduled in the fall semester in 2013. The Seminars will be held in Room 431-3, Building No. 5, Seoul National University. Thursday, 5 September, 2013, 16:00-18:00 Mathematics in Ancient China in Its Cultural Contexts Karine Chemla (CNRS) Th... [Exhibition] Love Impossible & Chun Kwang-Young Solo Exhibition Sep 03, 2013(Tue) - Dec 29, 2013(Sun)SNU Museum of Art (MoA) is opening two new exhibitions -- “Love Impossible” and CHUN Kwang-Young solo exhibition. [Love Impossible] Opening Ceremony: September 3 (Tue.) 5 pm. 2013 Duration: September 3 (Tue.) ~ November 24 (Sun.) Venue: SNU MoA (Bldg. 151) [CHUN Kwang-Young Solo Exhibition] Opening Ceremony: September 3 (Tue.) 5 pm. 2013 Duration: September 3 (Tue.) ~ December 29 (Mon.) Venue: SNU... Lecture Series of Academia for Global Medicine: Ethiopia Sep 03, 2013(Tue)[Invited Speaker] Dr. KIM Chul Soo General Director, Myungsung Christian Medical Center (MCM) in Ethiopia [Subject] Hospital operation experiences in Ethiopia: How to change the healthcare environments in developing country [Date and Time] September 3 (Tue.), 6 ~ 8 pm. [Venue] Administration Building of SNU College of Medicine (Yongon Campus) Language: English Contact: LEE Jong-Wook Center for Glo... International Forum "Asia and the World" Jul 25, 2013(Thu)Subject: Constructing Trust Building and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia [Session 1] FTA and Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia Moderator: Cho Dong-Sung (Professor, Graduate School of Business, SNU) Panelists: - South Korea: Ahn Dukgeun (Professor, SNU-GSIS) - China: Wang Yong (Professor, Peking University) - Japan: Yukiko Fukagawa (Professor, Waseda University) - United States: Chung C... Lecture Series of Academia for Global Medicine: Vietnam Jul 24, 2013(Wed)[Subject] Lecture Series by Academia for Global Medicine - Where Can We Fo From Here? Perspectives from Vietnam [Speakers] Dr. DO Van Dung (Vice President of University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City) Dr. Nguyen Hong Son (Director of Hospital 175) Date and Time: 18:00~20:00, July 24 (Wed.) 2013 Venue: Cancer Research Institute 2F, LEE Gunhee Hall (SNU Yongon Campus) Send your RSVP to... A Dialogue with Professors Lucas & Stokey Jun 25, 2013(Tue)1st Session - A Dialogue with Professors Lucas and Stokey Date and Time: 13:30 ~ 15:30, June 25 (Tue.), 2013 Venue: Bldg. 16, Room 349 Speech: Robert Lucas, Nancy Stokey (University of Chicago) Dialogue 1: North-South Korean Issues: How to Turn a Disaster into a Miracle? Dialogue 2: Working Capital, Trade, and Macro Fluctuations Dialogue 3: Transmission Mechanisms of the Public Debt 2nd Session - ...